"Nature’s Narrative" delves into the intricate connection between Earth and humanity, examining this relationship through the lens of nature. This collection of encaustic and cold wax paintings embodies Anne's passion for the beauty of nature, specifically regarding its geometry, patterns, colors, and textures in geological formations and the forest understory. Delving into deeper artistic exploration of these elements, she showcases the parallels between nature and humanity’s commonplace stories of transformation, endurance, and community. The collection will be on exhibition at
The Byrne Gallery in Middleburg, VA, from April 3 - 28, 2024.
The reception is scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 4-7 pm.
The Artist Talk is scheduled for Saturday, April 20, 2 pm.
A solo exhibition of contemporary encaustic and cold wax landscapes in a variety of sizes by Anne Stine.
Anne's portfolio is HERE.